Gavin Hardcastle – Digital Blending Basics – Photoshop Video Tutorial (Premium)


Gavin Hardcastle – Digital Blending Basics – Photoshop Video Tutorial

Gavin Hardcastle – Digital Blending Basics – Photoshop Video Tutorial free Download Latest. It is of Gavin Hardcastle – Digital Blending Basics – Photoshop Video Tutorial free download.

Gavin Hardcastle – Digital Blending Basics – Photoshop Video Tutorial Overview

In this Photoshop video tutorial I show you the basics of digital blending and how I use Photoshop to combine exposures to make my images POP! Using two sets of images I break it down into the following ‘three stage process’.
This tutorial is tailored more for the absolute beginner. I keep things very simple and explain every step of the process in a way that’s easy to understand. I use Photoshops most basic tools to achieve great results. You won’t be overwhelmed by terminology or complex processes. This tutorial is very easy to follow and I promise it won’t be a total snore fest.
I’ve also included the image files with this download so that you can follow along and perform the exact same steps that I demonstrate in the tutorial.
Digital Blending is where we use Photoshop to take our images to the next level by harnessing the power of ‘Layers’. Lightroom is great but it doesn’t offer the same level of control as Photoshop. By using ‘Layers’ we can blend multiple exposures to fix things like dynamic range and then work on our colour correction and enhancements in a way that Lightroom can’t.
Once you’ve become familiar with digital blending and how it can improve your image post processing, you’ll probably start to shoot differently too. By getting to grips with Photoshop and the basic steps of digital blending, you’ll take your image post processing to the next level and get the most out of your photography

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