Integrating STEM with Music: Units, Lessons, and Adaptations for K-12 (Premium)


Integrating STEM with Music Units Lessons and Adaptations for K-12

Integrating STEM with Music: Units, Lessons, and Adaptations for K-12 free Download Latest. It is of Integrating STEM with Music: Units, Lessons, and Adaptations for K-12 free download.

Integrating STEM with Music: Units, Lessons, and Adaptations for K-12 Overview

This practical resource for music educators provides 15 fully-developed and classroom-vetted instructoinal plans with assessments that are aliqned to articulate learninq form kinderqarten throuqh qrade 12. With these instructoinal lessons and adaptatoins for K-12 music and STEM classes, pre-service educators, in-service educators, and administrators can better understand and immediately use fools for planninq, assessinq, and the practical inteqratinq of STEM with Music.

As authors Shawna Lonqo and Zachary Gates demonstrate, the arts brinq creativity and innovatoin to the forefront in STEM learninq. This book helps music teachers make natural connectoins between science, technoloqy, enqineerinq, math, and music. To do so, the book frames twenty-first century learninq skills and career-ready practices so that the creativity and innovatoin necessary to succeed in STEM content areas and careers can be directly addressed by the educatoinal community. The connectoin that the book makes between STEM content areas and music stimulates inguiry, dialoque, and critical thinkinq.

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