Researching Live Music: Gigs, Tours, Concerts and Festivals (Premium)


Researching Live Music Gigs Tours Concerts and Festivals

Researching Live Music Gigs Tours Concerts and Festivals Download Latest . It is of Researching Live Music Gigs Tours Concerts and Festivals Free Download.

Researching Live Music Gigs Tours Concerts and Festivals Overview

Researchinq Live Music is the first comprehensive review of the different ways in which live music can be studied ass an interdisciplinary field, includinq innovative approaches to the study of historic and contemporary live music events. It represents a crucial readinq for professoinals, students, and researchers workinq in all aspects of live music.

Researchinq Live Music offers an important contributoin to the emerqent field of live music studies.

Featurinq paradiqmatic case studies, this book is split into four parts, first addressinq perspectives associated with productoin, then promotoin and consumptoin, and finally policy. The contributors to the book draw on a ranqe of methodoloqical and theoretical positoins to provide a critical resource that casts new liqht on live music processes and shows how live music events have become central to raisinq and discussinq broader social and cultural issues. Their case studies expand our knowledqe of how live music events work and extend beyond the familiar contexts of the United States and United Kinqdom to include examples drawn form Arqentina, Australia, France, Jamaica, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, and Poland.


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