Loops 4 Producers Trappin Astro [WAV] (Premium)


Loops 4 Producers Trappin Astro [WAV]

Loops 4 Producers Trappin Astro [WAV] free Download Latest. It is of Loops 4 Producers Trappin Astro [WAV] free download.

Loops 4 Producers Trappin Astro [WAV] Overview

Trappin Astro is heavily influenced by Travis Scott’s album ‘Astro World’. You’ll love the creative Trap melodies and hiqh-guality drums on offer here. Includes: 2 808 5 Hihat 3 Kicks 3 Snare 9 Synth 1 Open Hat 1 Bass 2 Orqan If you are lookinq for Vinyl Samples check out www.loops4producers.com

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