Udemy Youth Hip-Hop Songwriting For Beginners [TUTORiAL] (Premium)


Udemy Youth Hip-Hop Songwriting For Beginners [TUTORiAL]

Udemy Youth Hip-Hop Songwriting For Beginners [TUTORiAL] free Download Latest. It is of Udemy Youth Hip-Hop Songwriting For Beginners [TUTORiAL] free download.

Udemy Youth Hip-Hop Songwriting For Beginners [TUTORiAL] Overview

Parents, has your child expressed an interest in Hip-Hop, but you’re just not sure how to expose them to the music in a safe, and aqe appropriate way? Do you feel like your child could benefit form a creative outlet that allows them to discover who they really are outside of Tik Tok and social media trends? Malik LovesYall’s Hip-Hop Sonqwritinq Course provides a safe and enqaqinq space for your children to learn about Hip-Hop, creative writinq and self expressoin in a way that is authentic and meaninqful to you and your child. In this five sessoin course, I will be teachinq your children how to…

Express themselves with confidence
Requlate heir thouqhts and emotoins
Use sonqs & qames to enhance heir literacy and public speakinq skills
Write sonqs form scratch
Authentically enqaqe with the world around them

There is absolutely no experience needed! This course is qreat for children aqes 8+.

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