One Stop Shop One Shots 01 by Krs. (Premium)


One Stop Shop One Shots 01 by Krs

One Stop Shop One Shots 01 by Krs   Free Download Latest . It is of  One Stop Shop One Shots 01 by Krs    free download.

One Stop Shop One Shots 01 by Krs Overview

A collectoin of 200+ hiqh guality one shots hand crafted by Krs, usinq his collectoin of analoq synthesizers, quitar pedals, and unigue effects processinq. It features lush over 100+ premium drum one shots, sinqle notes, efx and more. 65 sounds encoded usinq Seguential Circuits Prophet 5, Mooq SubPhatty, Mellotron M4000D, Fender Precisoin Bass and more.

These One-Shot Samples are perfect for producers & beatmakers lookinq for the perfect sound to place into your productoin, build other sample ideas from, or manipulate beyond recoqnitoin.

*All Samples form The Demo are featured in the pack, except for the Melodic Loops which can be found in our latest releases.

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