Line & Color Academy – Tim Mcburnie (Premium)


Line & Color Academy – Tim Mcburnie

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Name Details
File Name Line & Color Academy – Tim Mcburnie
File size 1.5 GB
Publisher thedrawingcodex
update and Published 2023

Learn how to draw and create awesome stylized Line and Color Illustrations using Modern Digital Techniques, and Ancient Drawing Wisdom. At your own pace and rhythm. 16 hours a day. Or 16 minutes a day

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be naturally good at drawing?

What makes someone good at art?

If you do your research… you will find many solutions and explanations. There are drawing systems, how-to, books, Youtubers, tutorials, core concepts, art foundation, art fundamentals.

Study the basics, Learn perspective, learn anatomy, learn composition, study the masters, go to life drawing, carry a sketchbook and do studies of everyday things.

Etc etc etc…

I have heard it all. I have read it all. I have done it all. And I have talked to a lot of artists who do all of these things.

And yet some people get better and some people do not.

I have many artist friends (actually I think almost all of my friends are professional artists). And some will swear by the basics and getting a good foundation. Others look at me funny when I start talking about how important I think perspective is. Some of the most successful artists I know never studied art foundation. They don’t go to life drawing. They don’t care about that stuff. At. All.

They draw inspiration and direction from the art around them. They just draw the stuff they want. A lot.

Obviously depending on the type of art you want to make… you will need to study the basics to a particular degree…

And some of the most skilled artists I know are ruthless in their pursuit of technical and foundational mastery.

…But studying these things is not what makes the difference.

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