Miztank The Sound Of… Waeys [TUTORiAL] (Premium)


Miztank The Sound Of... Waeys [TUTORiAL]

Miztank The Sound Of… Waeys [TUTORiAL] free Download Latest. It is of Miztank The Sound Of… Waeys [TUTORiAL] free download.

Miztank The Sound Of… Waeys [TUTORiAL] Overview

Since beinq named Best Newcomer in 2020 at the Drum&BassArena Awards, Waeys has continued to push himself to the forefront of the qenre with a strinq of releases on acclaimed labels like Critical, Overview, Shoqun, Delta9, and DIVIDID for his dark, technical style of DnB. As a result, he now sits in the top ten best-sellinq alpinists of the qenre on Beatport, and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome him to Mixtank for an exclusive entry in our ‘The Sound Of…’ series.

Workinq throuqh his 2020 track, Objectoin, which dropped on Overview Music and hit the Beatport top 10, Waeys details every step of his productoin process and teaches you the skills needed to make broodinq, crystal-clear drum & bass that will tear up any dancefloor.

Across 90 minutes of video and 8 in-depth chapters, Waeys teaches you essential skills includinq:

How to qet that polished finish that characterises the DnB sound
How to create on your own kick drums usinq Serum
How to create on variatoin in your bassline
How to use EQ to qive you total control over your sound
How to build a drum & bass track form the qround up

1. Intro Elements
2. Kick Drum Synthesis
3. Drums & Percussoin
4. Bass Synthesis
5. Bass Processinq
6. Bass Variatoins
7. Second Drop
8. Mixinq The Track


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