Advanced Post-Production – HYPERLAPSE COURSE[ Andras Ra]


Advanced Post-Production – HYPERLAPSE COURSE[ Andras Ra]

Advanced Post-Production – HYPERLAPSE COURSE[ Andras Ra] Free Download Latest . It is of Advanced Post-Production – HYPERLAPSE COURSE[ Andras Ra] free download.

Advanced Post-Production – HYPERLAPSE COURSE[ Andras Ra] Overview

Duration: 120min +​

Language: English

Videos: 18

incl. Hyperlapse Motion / Transition Preset

incl. Premiere Pro Export Preset

Download my original Raw Hyperlapses to practice

Programs used: After Effects & Premiere Pro

Watch it online (Desktop or Smartphone)

Subtitles coming soon!


In this course, I teach & show you all of my Hyperlapse secrets.

I show you my specific workflow in which I go really deep into the details on why and how I do specific steps.

This course has it’s focus more on my entire post-production workflow. I teach you from complete scratch (Importing, Stabilizing, Editing) how to get your Hyperlapses to the next level. You’ll learn step by step how to stabilize a Hyperlapse completely without the warp stabilizer.

I will also guide you through difficult editing problems, for example what to do when something blocks your tracker point.

Plus, I give you a lot of tips and tricks to make you Hyperlapse stand out!

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