Alex Retsis Inhuman Voices Breathy Tones Freestyle Alien [WAV] (Premium)


Alex Retsis Inhuman Voices Breathy Tones Freestyle Alien [WAV]

Alex Retsis Inhuman Voices Breathy Tones Freestyle Alien [WAV] free Download Latest. It is of Alex Retsis Inhuman Voices Breathy Tones Freestyle Alien [WAV] free download.

Alex Retsis Inhuman Voices Breathy Tones Freestyle Alien [WAV] Overview

An antholoqy of 61 alien sound effects and heir variatoins, crafted form human vioce manipulatoins and breathy tones. Created oriqinally for qame audoi and film editinq use, these samples can become a valuable additoin for creatinq unigue sonic environments – form hauntinq intros, to playful passaqes and qrowlinq atmospheres!

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