AwTeaches – Full Sun Masterclass (Premium)


AwTeaches – Full Sun Masterclass

AwTeaches – Full Sun Masterclass   Free Download Latest . It is of  AwTeaches – Full Sun Masterclass   free download.

AwTeaches – Full Sun Masterclass  Overview

The Full Sun Breakdown is an NON-REFUNDABLE video. The video is available for you to view immediately upon purchase, and you will have LIFETIME access to the video!

If you are primarily an outdoor photographer, then this webinar is perfect for you. When the weather is cold, being able to place your subjects in direct sunlight is worth its weight in gold. As a photographer who is located in Chicago, we are no strangers to freezing weather. Being well versed in full sun photography not only gives me the freedom of being outdoors, but it allowed my clients to be comfortable in cold weather. When they are sitting directly under the sun, it becomes a lot warmer than we think!

Photographers from all over the world have watched this webinar!!!

Do not shy away from this light during this time of year. Mastering full sun in the winter is the best time!

( scroll down for reviews from the last Full Sun Masterclass)

This Masterclass is designed to cut directly to the chase and discuss full sun shooting and editing.

We will do a clean edit and an elaborate edit.

I will explain how to achieve exposed full sun images by using verbal explanation and pullbacks of the scene. I will explain how to create perfectly exposed high noon/ full sun images without the aid of portable reflectors, scrims, or fill flash. I will also break down many of the pitfalls of shooting in full sun and why many photographers struggle. I will discuss my equipment, my settings and why, and the environment that I consistently seek out.

Following the high noon/full sun explanation, I will edit two of traditional full sun images taken in two different scenarios from start to finish to show how I can accentuate the look by using clean editing techniques.

You will hear me explain and edit.

While you’re viewing the video, you will be able to view my screen as you watch.

I use Photoshop exclusively to edit, and I do not use actions of any kind. You do NOT need to use Photoshop to understand my editing. Adobe Lightroom users can follow along just fine.

The Full Sun Breakdown is an NON-REFUNDABLE webinar. Upon purchasing your seat, you agree to these terms.

Once you have paid for your spot, you are able to view the video.
