AwTeaches – Make It Sing (Premium)


AwTeaches – Make It Sing

AwTeaches – Make It Sing  Free Download Latest . It is of  AwTeaches – Make It Sing    free download.

AwTeaches – Make It Sing    Overview

This image was captured during my Finding the Light class at Shutterfest 2018, and was well received by thousands of photographers. During my class, I spoke to 50+ photographers who all followed me as I was photographing different subjects in various locations. I stated that I scope out the light…how I will compose, and more importantly…how I will “Make it Sing” during post processing. Every single thing I do during a shoot is done for a reason, and post processing is also part of those reasons. This image was captured in a very simple location outdoors, and only natural light ( no reflectors) was used to light this portrait.
