CGCookie – SculptBox: Introduction to your Clay Sculpting Kit (Premium)


CGCookie – SculptBox Introduction to your Clay Sculpting Kit

CGCookie – SculptBox: Introduction to your Clay Sculpting Kit   Free Download Latest . It is of  CGCookie – SculptBox: Introduction to your Clay Sculpting Kit    free download.

CGCookie – SculptBox: Introduction to your Clay Sculpting Kit  Overview

The crew behind the kit are the humans of CG Cookie, a training site for independent sculptors and digital artists. Over the years, we have taught 1000s of new artists the right techniques, until we realized: we’re great at teaching people how to sculpt, but what about the rights tools? So far, it’s been on the learner to do the legwork and get their own equipment.

The Trouble With Sculpting
We know the thought process of every new sculptor: Every new sculptor asks themselves: What supplies do I really need? Which brand should I choose? Should I buy them online or at a store? Add to that the hours spent reading product reviews, multiple trips to the store or shopping online and spending more money on shipping. By the time you’ve finally stocked up on supplies, the initial excitement can begin to wear off.
