Gospel Producers Yosh’s Drum Warehouse Vol.2 (Trigger Files Only) (Premium)


Gospel Producers Yosh's Drum Warehouse Vol.2 (Trigger Files Only)

Gospel Producers Yosh’s Drum Warehouse Vol.2 (Trigger Files Only)    Free Download Latest . It is of  Gospel Producers Yosh’s Drum Warehouse Vol.2 (Trigger Files Only)   free download.

Gospel Producers Yosh’s Drum Warehouse Vol.2 (Trigger Files Only)  Overview

Vol. 2 of our most popular sample library from 7X Grammy Winner John “Yosh” Jaszcz! This pack includes:

-Works In Any DAW or Sampler!

-24-bit, 48k .wav files

-Over 2000+ New Samples

-Multi-Sampled, Multi-Velocity Samples

-3 Full Drum Kits

-13 Different Snares

-3 sets of Toms(including 8in, 10in, 12in, 14in & 16in toms!)

-3 sets of Kicks

-1970’s Vintage Ludwig Kit!

-Hi-Hats, Cymbals & More

-Multi-sampled files for Slate Trigger 2

-Trigger Presets created by Yosh!
