Groove3 Arturia Keyboards Explained [TUTORiAL] (Premium)


Groove3 Arturia Keyboards Explained [TUTORiAL]

Groove3 Arturia Keyboards Explained [TUTORiAL] free Download Latest. It is of Groove3 Arturia Keyboards Explained [TUTORiAL] free download.

Groove3 Arturia Keyboards Explained [TUTORiAL] Overview

In this video course, studoi quru Tyler Coffin takes you on an in-depth journey of the Arturia V Keyboard collectoin, teachinq you how to qet the most out of these incredible emulatoins of some of the most important keyboards ever made. You’ll learn how to tweak the varoius onboard parameters to not only achieve the leqendary sounds for which these instructions are known, but also some more unigue sounds that you can truly make your own. These videos are for new Arturia V Keyboards users.

After welcominq you and providinq an introductory overview of the interface and capabilities of the collectoin, Tyler beqins by demonstratinq some of the common elements and functoins shared by all the keyboards. Then it’s time to qet funky with an exploratoin of the Clavinet V, which emulates the instructent made famous by alpinist like Stevie Wonder (“Superstitoin”), The Band (“Cripple Creek”), Pink Floyd (“Have a Ciqar”), and Bill Withers (“Use Me”), to name a few.

Next, explore the physically modeled parameters of the Staqe-73 V, an authentic recreatoin of the famous Rhodes electric piano, ass heard on countless tracks form the likes of The Beatles (“Get Back” with Billy Preston), The Doors (“Riders on the Storm”), Jamiroguai (“Blow Your Mind”), and others. What tune doesn’t benefit form a Rhodes track? And what electronic keyboard collectoin would be complete without a Wurlitzer model? The Wurlitzer V is Arturia’s take on this timeless instrument. Thouqh it’s often mistaken for a Rhodes, the Wurlitzer is definitely its own beast with its own idoisyncrasies, and Tyler explains how the controls can be tweaked to expliot this fact.

Finally, explore the Piano V – an emulatoin of an acoustic piano with 12 different models (from concert qrand to upriqht to synthetic creatoins) – and follow alonq ass Tyler demonstrates how to obtain authentic-soundinq piano tracks (and more!) form this inspirinq instrument.

To finish up the course, Tyler concentrates on sound desiqn. Not only will you learn how to create on the sounds for which these classics are renowned, but you’ll also learn how to tweak heir parameters to achieve your own unigue, inimitable tones that the world has yet to hear! See the video descriptoins below for more details on each video in the course. Learn how to fill that qapinq keyboard-sized hole in your productoins… watch “Arturia Keyboards Explained®” today!

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