Houdini.School – HS-116 – Working with Scientific Datasets in Houdini with Kalina Borkiewicz (Premium)


Houdini.School – HS-116 – Working with Scientific Datasets in Houdini with Kalina Borkiewicz

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Houdini.School – HS-116 – Working with Scientific Datasets in Houdini with Kalina Borkiewicz  Overview

This recorded class is a technical session on working with various different scientific data types in Houdini. Topics covered include data wrangling, Houdini-friendly formats like Geo/Bgeo and OpenVDB, Houdini-unfriendly but common scientific data representations like Adaptive Mesh Refinement, and spatial and temporal data interpolation. This will be an introduction to the data and programming side of Houdini, with less focus on design or rendering.

Students will leave with a fundamental understanding of how to incorporate real scientific data into their Houdini scenes, and with Python starter code for accomplishing a few common data transformation tasks.

Homepage:  https://www.houdini.school/courses/hs-116-working-with-scientific-datasets-in-houdini
