Iray 2.5 for 3ds Max 2022


Iray 2.5 for 3ds Max 2022

Iray 2.5 for 3ds Max 2022 Download Latest . It is of Iray 2.5 for 3ds Max 2022 Free Download.

Iray 2.5 for 3ds Max 2022 Overview

The software developer Lightworks is pleased to announce the availability of Iray 2.5 for 3ds Max 2022. With access to a comprehensive materials library, intuitive physically-based NVIDIA MDL material creation and real-world environments and lighting you can quickly achieve stunning images and animations of your designs.

NEW Iray for 3ds Max 2.5 – 10th May 2021

– Added support for 3ds Max 2022.
– Updated to Iray RTX 2020.1.5.
– Fixed intermittent “Access of Invalid Tag” bug.

Iray for 3ds Max is a physically based ray tracing renderer with accurate materials based on NVIDIA’s Material Definition (MDL) standard. This physically accurate engine allows you to create the highest quality images and animations with a real-world approach to materials, cameras and lighting. The lighting in an Iray rendered image is authentic to the real world, as all light interactions in your scene are represented accurately.

Iray for 3ds Max is based on the NVIDIA technology, Iray, which is used in many professional high-end applications and by top design and visualization companies around the world. Iray boasts improvements including an easy to understand material structure and usability enhancements.

Iray for 3ds Max extends the capabilities of the Iray implementation currently included in some versions of 3ds Max, including new features such as full MDL support, interactive rendering, support for cloud or remote renderings and an improved approach to using and creating physically accurate materials.

The Iray plugin includes 2 renderers; Iray+ and Iray+ Interactive. The Iray+ renderer creates production images while the Iray+ Interactive renderer allows you to navigate models in real-time with results that are almost indistinguishable from the Iray+ renderer. We’ve developed a comprehensive library of high-quality materials and an intuitive material editing UI, which enables you to create the materials you need in minutes. Our photometric lights and physically accurate sky system mean all lighting is representative of the real world. Iray for 3ds Max also supports remote rendering, which enables you to harness the GPU power of cloud rendering and render farms.


Lightworks is all things visualization, from software development and integration, configurators and application builds through to immersive Virtual Reality design review experiences. Years of expertise mean your visualization needs are at the forefront of everything we do.

Our multi-disciplinary team of software developers, integration specialists, UI and UX designers, and 3D artists are always looking to begin exciting projects with new customers.

Version: 2.5.0-150830
Supported Architectures: x64
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