Motion Design School – Motion Practice with Ben Marriott (Premium)


Motion Design School – Motion Practice with Ben Marriott

File details overview
Name Details
File Name Motion Design School – Motion Practice with Ben Marriott
File size 3.4 GB
Publisher  Motion Design School
update and Published 2023

Do you want to find your own style and create truly unique works? The best way to achieve this is by combining various techniques and tools! In this practical course merging traditional frame-by-frame animation and After Effects, we’re going to create 6 animated projects. Each project is focused on a different technique integrating frame-by-frame animation into your workflow. We will be taking a deep-dive into every step of the process, explaining all the decision-making that goes into merging these 2 different methods together. By combining the best elements of both worlds you will bring unique creatures to life focusing on the process and workflow.


We’re covering the basics of frame-by-frame animation using Adobe Animate & integrating that with After Effects. We start to cover some of the basic principles to elevate your animations to the next level.

Onion skins
Cleanup in Animate
Exporting as SWF
Cleanup in AE with shape layers
Adding textures
Imitating a frame-by-frame look in AE
Walk & Run Cycles

A walk and run cycle are staples of animation. They are so much quicker to make frame-by-frame and you can know if it is going to be effective after drawing only 2 frames. We’re going to experiment with pushing your breakdown poses to create a completely different mood.

Walk cycles
Run cycles
Follow through and overlapping action

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