Mushfiq Sarker – The Aged Domain Course Download 2022 (Premium)


Mushfiq Sarker – The Aged Domain Course

Mushfiq Sarker – The Aged Domain Course Download 2022 free Download Latest. It is of Mushfiq Sarker – The Aged Domain Course Download 2022 free download.

Mushfiq Sarker – The Aged Domain Course Download 2022 Overview

Learn exactly how I’ve used aged domains to build content sites with 6 & 7-figure valuations.

What’s in the course?

Detailed videos covering the best scenarios to use aged domains, where to find aged domains, due diligence, and much more. Includes 5+ real-life case studies, where I cover the theory/plan, the implementation, and the results

Why do I need it?

Maybe you’ve heard of success with aged domains, but did you know that most are failures?
With this, you will get a deep dive into the concepts, processes, and mindset to fine-tune your aged domain strategy
How do I get it?

This is a video-based course with 4+ hours of recordings
Get access to the video course for one-time payment: Full access
I found an aged domain on an aged domain marketplace that aligned exactly with an affiliate offer that I was already a partner for.

I bought the aged domain, put a website with 10 articles, performed the 301 redirects, and let it sit. Usually, it takes weeks to months for traffic to come (if done right).

In this case, I was ranking top 5 for all of my keywords in a few days. Here are the last 30 days’ traffic chart:

Hey, Mushfiq here! I have been buying, growing, and selling content websites since 2008. I’ve sold over 190+ websites with multiple six-figure exits.

I organized and created this course to share insights into how to use aged domains the proper way without shortcuts. I’ve been using aged domes for the last several years and have built/sold multiple 6 figure profit-generating websites.

This course is my years of experience summarized into actionable lessons. I teach you the basics of aged domains, how to source and vet them, and advanced use-cases and frameworks.

My expertise has been recognized by the top websites, podcasts, and YouTube channels in the industry. Here’s a selection of them:

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