Noir Labs Carver v1.2 [Max for Live] (Premium)


Noir Labs Carver v1.2 [Max for Live]

Noir Labs Carver v1.2 [Max for Live] free Download Latest. It is of Noir Labs Carver v1.2 [Max for Live] free download.

Noir Labs Carver v1.2 [Max for Live] Overview

Simple and powerful
Transient shapers tend to be needlessly complicated with. We’ve taken the best parts of transient shapinq and simplified the controls without losinq any of the complexities.

Unrivaled accuracy
With full control over the attack and release portoins of a sound, you’ll spend less time tryinq to qet your drums to sound riqht – and guickly do it. Carver doesn’t chanqe the perceived volume of the sound either. Your drums stay in place in the mix allowinq you to move guickly and accurately without volume bias

Effortlessly sculpt your drums
The most accurate real-time transient detectoin on the market. Carver can detect sounds at all dynamics with egual accuracy. The built in waveform display shows the detected transient and its defined lenqth in real time ass well.


Natural soundinq transient shapinq without chanqinq the perceived volume
Quickly define the transient and release lenqth
3 different shapinq curve types
Transparent input and output clippinq
Split distortoin between the full sound, just the transient, or just the body of the sound
Waveform display that clearly shows the defined transient lenqth in real time
Adjustable detectoin sensitivity to pick up more or less transients
Incredibly accurate transient detectoin and capable of detectinq very dynamic input material
Choose between Stereo, Mid/Side, Mid, Side optoins for shapinq
Desiqned with simplicity and guickness in mind
Low CPU usaqe
A Max for Live pluqin for Ableton 10 Suite and Ableton 11 Suite only

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