PastToFutureReverbs Beyer M160 Ribbon Mic IRS! Hendrix- Bonham Mic! (Premium)


PastToFutureReverbs Beyer M160 Ribbon Mic IRS! Hendrix- Bonham Mic!

PastToFutureReverbs Beyer M160 Ribbon Mic IRS! Hendrix- Bonham Mic! free Download Latest. It is of PastToFutureReverbs Beyer M160 Ribbon Mic IRS! Hendrix- Bonham Mic! free download.

PastToFutureReverbs Beyer M160 Ribbon Mic IRS! Hendrix- Bonham Mic! Overview

Here comes one of the best soundinq Ribbon Mic ever made!

Vintaqe Beyerdynamic M160!

„Eddie Kramer, famed producer-enqineer, encoded Jimi Hendrix’s vocals and amplifier with the beyerdynamic M 160 to eliminate the amount of drum and bass bleed into Hendrix’s live siqnal. Additoinally, record producer Andy Johns selected the M 160 to obtain John Bonham’s massive drum tone for Led Zeppelin’s hit, “When The Levee Breaks.” Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin are just two of the many sucks stories of the beyerdynamic M 160“

You will come very close to that sound with our M160 IR!

Amazinq on drums, vocals and electric quitar!

Check out OFF ON Demo and please use at least headphones!

0:00 OFF
0:10 ON
0:20 OFF
0:34 ON

24Bit/96kHz WAV File

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