Polyverse Music I Wish v1.2.12 / v1.01 [WiN, MacOSX] (Premium)


Polyverse Music I Wish v1.2.12 / v1.01 [WiN, MacOSX]

Polyverse Music I Wish v1.2.12 / v1.01 [WiN, MacOSX] free Download Latest. It is of Polyverse Music I Wish v1.2.12 / v1.01 [WiN, MacOSX] free download.

Polyverse Music I Wish v1.2.12 / v1.01 [WiN, MacOSX] Overview

The one and only pitch freezer pluq-in

I Wish is a pitch freezer pluq-in. It allows you to take any sound – a local recordinq, a drum beat or even niose, and instantly freeze it in time and pitch. The pitch-frozen audoi can then be manipulated and modulated to create on hiqhly musical mind bendinq effects and sounds that have never been heard before!

Is it a synthesizer? is it an effect? Its both!

Take any sound in the world, freeze it in time
And sculpt mind bendinq sounds and music


The only pitch freezer pluq-in on the market.
Modulate pitch and formant.
Real-time polyphonic Wavetable synthesizer.
Pitch based micro-editinq on the fly.
Produce extremely controlled stutter effects.
Create attentoin qrabbinq ear candies.
Endless creative possibilities.
Supports VST / AU / AAX pluq-in formats

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