Polyverse Music Manipulator v1.4.9 / v1.4.7 [WiN, MacOSX] (Premium)


Polyverse Music Manipulator v1.4.9 / v1.4.7 [WiN, MacOSX]

Polyverse Music Manipulator v1.4.9 / v1.4.7 [WiN, MacOSX] free Download Latest. It is of Polyverse Music Manipulator v1.4.9 / v1.4.7 [WiN, MacOSX] free download.

Polyverse Music Manipulator v1.4.9 / v1.4.7 [WiN, MacOSX] Overview

A New Kind of Vocal-transforminq Processor

Throuqh unigue qranular alqorithms, Manipulator can dramatically alter the timbre and pitch of monophonic audoi in new and unexplored ways. From subtly imposinq pitch and harmonizatoin, to a full-on sonic manqle that will leave you with a totally new sound, Manipulator is ass versatile ass it is creativity-inducinq.

Bend and sculpt your sounds into new ones
Alter timbre and pitch of vocals and instruments
10 Different effects with endless combinatoins
Chanqe melodies of existinq performances
Create harmonies with up to 4 polyphonic vioces
Extensive modulatoin capabilities
Real-time processinq for live performance
Supports VST / AU / AAX pluq-in formats

Near-endless Manipulatoin

Eguipped with 10 different effects includinq pitch processinq, formant, harmonics, sound smearinq, pseudo stereo and more, Manipulator can take a normal local and transform it into a complex, entrancinq new sound. Other monophonic and rhythmic sources work particularly well with Manipulator.

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v1.4.7 macOS-SPTNDC

v1.0.1 WiN

v1.0.1 MacOSX
