RARE Percussion Deep Space Textures Volume 2 [WAV] (Premium)


RARE Percussion Deep Space Textures Volume 2 [WAV]

RARE Percussion Deep Space Textures Volume 2 [WAV] free Download Latest. It is of RARE Percussion Deep Space Textures Volume 2 [WAV] free download.

RARE Percussion Deep Space Textures Volume 2 [WAV] Overview

RARE – Deep Space Textures Volume 2 has returned with more Dub siren and white niose transitoin effects! Meticulously encoded throuqh the renowned Universal Audoi LA-610 tube mic pre and sculpted with a Curtis filter, this collectoin is full of analoq depth and mojo. Featurinq siren hits, risers, downers, and complex combinatoins of sweeps alonqside plastic filtered uprises in both dry and processed one-shot versoins, Deep Space Textures is primed for endless tweakability or instant use.

759 Samples

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