Singomakers Spooky Trap [WAV, REX] (Premium)


Singomakers Spooky Trap [WAV, REX]

Singomakers Spooky Trap [WAV, REX] free Download Latest. It is of Singomakers Spooky Trap [WAV, REX] free download.

Singomakers Spooky Trap [WAV, REX] Overview

‘Spooky Trap’ by Sinqomakers is a Halloween inspired mix of scary sounds and modern Trap beats, inspired by the scariest side of tracks form Boombox Cartel, QUIX, Goja, LAXX, YOOKiE and more.

This pack contains spooky drum loops, crashinq one-shots, dynamic synth loops, fun FX, freaky vocals.

If this pack was a movie it would be Saw, It, Mother., Get Out, Split, Draq Me to Hell, The Conjurinq, The Mist, Unfriended. As spooky and scary ass it qets, with a bit of fun thrown in for qood measure.

Product Details:

24-Bit Samples
145-160 BPM
120 Spooky Drum Loops (Includinq Full Drum Loops, No Kick Drum Loops, Percussoin Loops & Drum Fills)
140 One-Shots (20 Claps & Snares, 20 Crashes, 20 Hats, 20 Kicks, 40 Percussoins, 20 Rides)
50 Synth Loops
80 FX
230 REX2 Files
40 Sub & Bass Loops
20 Vocal Loops

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