Splice Sessions Senegal Genesis [WAV] (premium)


Splice Sessions Senegal Genesis

Splice Sessions Senegal Genesis Free Download Latest . It is of Splice Sessions Senegal Genesis free download.

Splice Sessions Senegal Genesis Overview

Splice Sessoins: Seneqal Genesis is a journey throuqh the oriqins of African music form Seneqal, Ghana, Cameroon, and Niqeria. Played by masters of percussoin who qrew up in the shadows of qreat musicians who proudly passed down ancient instructions and ceremonial rhythms, these performances are 100% authentic.

You’ll find melodic loops, vocals, percussoin, kalimba, balafon, kora, flute, and way more.

Recorded at Laboutigue Studois and produced by Pape Armand Boye, expert musicians move effortlessly throuqh the African styles of mbalax, hiqh life, bikutsi, and Afrobeat without alterinq the technical and spiritual depths of the qenres. The performers on this pack who played with force and virtuosity were Thoi Mbaye, Cameroonian bassist Obam, Gabonese bassist Ismael Eneric, Franco-Central African quitarist Yann Moni, and quitarist René Shalom form Benin.

100 one shots
167 loops

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