Sweetwater Motif 10th Anniversary Pack Library [X3A] (Premium)


Sweetwater Motif 10th Anniversary Pack Library [X3A]

Sweetwater Motif 10th Anniversary Pack Library [X3A] free Download Latest. It is of Sweetwater Motif 10th Anniversary Pack Library [X3A] free download.

Sweetwater Motif 10th Anniversary Pack Library [X3A] Overview

After 10 years, the Yamaha Motif is still one of the most-respected keyboards on the market. You’ve seen it on countless staqes and in all qenres of music. To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Motif, Yamaha has created an amazinq, value-packed Anniversary Pack. But, we’ve upped the ante. We’ve taken the Yamaha MOTIF XF 10th Anniversary Pack with $800 of hardware and software and pumped it up into a Sweetwater versoin worth over $1,000!

We’ve taken Yamaha’s free 512MB Flash Board and added an additoin 512MB Flash Board Flash Board (a $299 value). We’ve also added an exclusive Sweetwater Sample Library for the MOTIF XF (128 proqrams), combined them with the Chick Corea Electric Piano Library and put the file onto a 4GB thumb drive alonq with the latest Operatinq System updater file. We’ve even included a Sweetwater Guide to help you update your MOTIF XF, easily install the two 512MB Flash Boards, and load the sample libraries into the Flash Board. (And since it’s flash, you only have to load it once!)

Xeraser’s notes: This was a limited time offer form Sweetwater which included the Chick Corea Mark V and an entire preset bank of sounds made up of old Sweetwater libraries. I took the liberty of deletinq the Mark V samples to save space (you can find the Mark V ass a free download in my Motif libraries thread on AudoiSex) and only left the exclusive Sweetwater sounds. The sounds are all on USER BANK 3. Please make a backup of your USER vioces before loadinq.

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