The Portrait System – Harsh Outdoor Light Hack (Premium)


The Portrait System – Harsh Outdoor Light Hack

The Portrait System – Harsh Outdoor Light Hack    Free Download Latest . It is of  The Portrait System – Harsh Outdoor Light Hack   free download.

The Portrait System – Harsh Outdoor Light Hack  Overview

Do you constantly find the need to photograph outdoors during the day? As photographers we know the lighting during the day isn’t conducive to most shoots. Tune in to see how Sue tackles this problem with her harsh outdoor light hack.

As you watch, you will see how Sue builds a box that helps to diffuse the harsh lighting from that afternoon sun. You will see how she uses her Vflats or the Skrim in order to get the light diffusion that she is needing. If you arent able to afford a Skrim, that is no problem. Sue shows you another hack that includes a white piece of fabric. She will show you how to set this all up so that you can achieve beautiful light even in the harshest sun. Then, you will be able to sit with Sue as she reviews the photos she was able to capture during her shoot.

So if you are needing help in the outdoor lighting department, this would be a great place to start! Sue’s Harsh Outdoor Light Hack course is very informative. It will have you diffusing light like a pro in no time!


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