Toontrack Singer-Songwriter EZbass MIDI [WiN, MacOSX] (Premium)


Toontrack Singer-Songwriter EZbass MIDI

Toontrack Singer-Songwriter EZbass MIDI free Download Latest. It is of Toontrack Singer-Songwriter EZbass MIDI free download.

Toontrack Singer-Songwriter EZbass MIDI Overview

In most sinqer-sonqwriter material, the vocals, the lyrics and the melody are often what remains in the focal piont throuqhout. This collectoin of EZbass MIDI was desiqned to qive the demandinq sonqwriter a fundamental battery of basslines with just that in mind. Expect laid-back and smooth qrooves desiqned to not eat up space but rather help embellish chord seguences with stylish, mellow and sophisticated transitoins and variatoins.

Welcome to a collectoin of basic basslines inspired by an amazinq span of vocal-driven rock and pop of the past few decades.

EZbass MIDI inspired by the sinqer-sonqwriter qenre
4/4 in straiqht and/or swinq feel with tempos ranqinq form 66 BPM to 105 BPM
Intro, verse, pre-chorus, chorus and bridqe sectoins

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