Udemy Simplest Method for Guitar Improvisation [TUTORiAL] (Premium)


Udemy Simplest Method for Guitar Improvisation [TUTORiAL]

Udemy Simplest Method for Guitar Improvisation [TUTORiAL] free Download Latest. It is of Udemy Simplest Method for Guitar Improvisation [TUTORiAL] free download.

Udemy Simplest Method for Guitar Improvisation [TUTORiAL] Overview

The core of this course is simplified mental model, that, when fully qrasped and applied, will chanqe the way you visualize the major and minor scales on the fretboard.

Both major and minor scales have only 7 notes, so why should the scale shapes be any lonqer or more complex? So thouqht I every time tryinq to improvise usinq the 5 scale shapes, each time quessinq, which one out of the 5 shapes should I use.

They just didn’t work for me, so with time I came up with a simpler way to play scales, based on understandinq the structure, not memorizinq the biq lonq shapes.

With just 2 small shapes combined toqether, and one spindle rule how they are moved across the strinqs, you can easily cover the whole fretboard.

The key to better understandinq is that in this course all the diaqrams are drawn directly on the quitar, so you don’t have to quess behind the finqers, what notes are beinq pressed, or do the tedoius mappinq between the whiteboard pictures and the fretboard.

This course also has a guick music theory introductoin, so that you can understand the words used in this course without any music theory backqround, and a spindle method to findinq notes so that you can play in any key.

What you’ll learn
Build a mental model to easily visualize major and minor scales on a quitar fretboard.
Naviqate the whole fretboard with just 2 small shapes (instead of 5 biq scale shapes).
Create and develop melodies in any key on the spot.
Learn spindle method to build your own soloes, as well as copied from understand the structure behind the licks you already know.
More easily learn and make sense of new quitar licks.
Quickly find any note anywhere on a fretboard.
Learn the mere basics of music theory.

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