Unreal Engine – Farmer (premium)


Unreal Engine – Farmer

Unreal Engine – Farmer Free Download Latest . It is of Unreal Engine – Farmer free download.

Unreal Engine – Farmer Overview

Unreal Engine – Farmer


Farmer is composed of four construction blueprints used to create agricultural scenes. All three blueprints can be use on variable height terrain. The blueprints will place the meshes on the surface of the terrain due to the use of ray casting in the construction scripts.

The Crop blueprint creates rows of plants allowing the level designer to adjust row and plant spacing, and specify random offsets, rotation and scaling. The blueprint contains a mesh selection allowing the designer can use any mesh in the blueprint. A variety of vegetable meshes are included to get started.

There are two Vineyard blueprints that create a row of grapes, selection for red and green grapes. One uses 3D meshes and one uses billboard style grapevines. The billboard style can use custom materials. Custom materials can be made by attaching the ‘MF_DmS_TextureScaling’ material function to the UV pin on the pins on the texture maps. The materials should have maps sized for a 2 meter x 2 mesh meter mesh.

The Grain Row blueprint is used to create fields of grain. Two materials are included, golden fall wheat and green summer wheat, or the user can use their own material by attaching the include
Asset Details:
Current Version: 4.10 – 4.27
More Info: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/farmer

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