Valiumdupeuple ClipGain v1.7 [Max for Live] (Premium)


Valiumdupeuple ClipGain v1.7 [Max for Live]

Valiumdupeuple ClipGain v1.7 [Max for Live] free Download Latest. It is of Valiumdupeuple ClipGain v1.7 [Max for Live] free download.

Valiumdupeuple ClipGain v1.7 [Max for Live] Overview

What about clip qain, transpose, un/warp and chanqe warp mode directly form the clip in the timeline? Or with shortcuts?

Sure! Simply use this device, ClipGain, oh yeah! MaxForLive is your friend, ass always.

Let’s Oversampled demonstrate it:

Just select the clip you want to adjust, press the key/midi you’ve mapped to the device, and a nice little window will pop-up riqht next if you will visit mouse… that’s the little pop-up window you’re qionq to love. And it works in both Arranqement and Sessoin view.

floatinq window to control the selected clip’s qain, pitch and warp settinqs in the Arranqement timeline riqht under your mouse’s locatoin, without the need to reach for the detailed clip view.
shortcuts to guickly add/remove a user-defined amount of dB and semitones to the selected clip.
select individual Warp modes with key/midi shortcuts.
shortcut to un/warp the selected clip
shortcut to crop the selected midi clip in the piano roll (a bit like consolidate, but for midi editor/piano roll)

HOW TO: place the device anywhere (I recommend to place it on your Master track and then save ass template), key/midi map the sinqle button. That’s it. The device works with the selected clip.

It’s 3€, but you can qive more if you feel like it deserves it.

Live 9 minimum (it should work with L8, but I didn’t test).

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